Fly Me

Flights booking chatbot

Clément Fleury Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License


Fly Me is a travel agency offering flight booking services for private or professional customers.

In order to make the booking process easier, we want to automate it with a chatbot.
To be efficient, the bot must be able to :

  • interact with the user in a natural way
  • recognize the user's intent (book a flight, ...)
  • recognize the desired caracteristics of the trip (origin and destination cities, ...)
  • ask for more information if necessary
  • allow the user to cancel the booking process
  • raise an alert if the booking process fails too often
Clément Fleury Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License


In this project, we are going to :

  • deploy a chatbot in the cloud
  • train a language understanding model
    • in order to infer the user's intent and trip caracteristics from the user's input
  • implement unit and integration tests
    • to ensure that the chatbot is working as expected
  • monitor the chatbot's performance
    • raise an alert in case of recurring issues
Clément Fleury Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Exploratory data analysis

For this MVP, we used the Azure Frames Dataset :

  • 1369 dialogues between a human and a bot, composed of ~15 turns on average
  • the bot can :
    • ask the user for information
    • suggest a trip to the user
    • ask the user to confirm
  • the user can :
    • ask the bot for suggestions
    • inform the bot about relevant information
    • cancel or confirm the trip
Clément Fleury Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Dialog example

0 - user says :
"Can you get me to Kyoto"
Known facts :
{'intent': 'book', 'dst_city': 'Kyoto'}

1 - wizard says :
"Ok! From where?"
Known facts :
{'intent': 'book', 'dst_city': 'Kyoto'}

2 - user says :
"I need to be there for at least four days"
Known facts :
{'intent': 'book', 'dst_city': 'Kyoto', 'min_duration': '4'}

3 - wizard says :
"Have you a budget?"
Known facts :
{'intent': 'book', 'dst_city': 'Kyoto', 'min_duration': '4'}

4 - user says :
"I’m on the road so I can head there from any origin point. Budget is 3500"
Known facts :
{'intent': 'book', 'dst_city': 'Kyoto', 'min_duration': '4', 'or_city': '-1', 'budget': '3500.0'}

5 - wizard says :
"Travelling alone?"
Known facts :
{'intent': 'book', 'dst_city': 'Kyoto', 'min_duration': '4', 'or_city': '-1', 'budget': '3500.0'}

6 - user says :
"two adults. oh and please find me a place near a park"
Known facts :
{'intent': 'book', 'dst_city': 'Kyoto', 'min_duration': '4', 'or_city': '-1', 'budget': '3500.0', 'park': True, 'n_adults': '2'}

7 - wizard says :
"I can get you 4 days in Kyoto for 1857.63USD if you leave from Sapporo."
Known facts :
{'intent': 'book', 'dst_city': 'Kyoto', 'min_duration': '4', 'or_city': 'Sapporo', 'budget': '3500.0', 'park': True, 'n_adults': '2', 'duration': '4', 'price': '1857.63'}
Clément Fleury Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Step 1 : LUIS Model training and deployment

The first step in this project was to train and deploy a language understanding model using the LUIS natural language service :

  • create an Azure LUIS resource
    • add the intents and entities to the LUIS model
  • format the raw data to be compatible with Azure LUIS
    • add the examples to the LUIS model
  • run the LUIS model training
  • deploy the model to the cloud
Clément Fleury Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Step 2 : chatbot development and deployment

The second step in this project was to develop and deploy a Chatbot :

  • create a Bot Service resource
  • implement the bot with the Bot Framework SDK
    • implement dialogs : welcome, gather intention, ask informations, confirm, cancel, ...
    • integrate the LUIS service
    • add unit and integration tests
      • test the LUIS service
      • test the LUIS service integration
      • test a standard dialog
  • deploy the bot to the Azure Web App
Clément Fleury Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Step 3 : chatbot monitoring

The final step in this project was to monitor the chatbot's performance :

  • create a Application Insights resource
  • log a Telemetry trace every time the bot is used (booking_accepted or booking_refused)
  • add an Alert if the bot fails too often :
    • if More than 5 Booking Refused last 5 minutes
    • then Send Email and SMS to admins
Clément Fleury Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Curent MVP System Architecture


Clément Fleury Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Resources inventory

LUIS Chatbot Monitoring
Language understanding model Bot service Application Insights
Authoring resource App Service Plan Alert Rule
Prediction resource App Service Monitoring Dashboard
Clément Fleury Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License


Demo Monitoring
center-img center-img
Clément Fleury Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Target performance management policy

In order to achieve the target performance, the following policy must be implemented :

  • store each dialogs and inferred intents and entities in a database
  • transform and load (ETL) the raw data in a datawarehouse in a format compatible with the LUIS service
  • daily re-train the language understanding model with the new intents and entities of the successful bookings
Clément Fleury Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Target production architecture


Clément Fleury Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Next steps

  • integrate the bot with multiple Channels (Website, Discord, Teams, Slack, ...)
  • improve the bot capacity to handle more Intentions and Entities
  • connect the bot to an actual Flight booking system
  • monitor more precisely the bot's performance : errors, performance, availability, ...
  • implement the model continuous training and deployment
Clément Fleury Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Fly Me

Flights booking chatbot


Clément Fleury Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License